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Map of the game, with all tiles uncovered

The main setting of the video game Animal Well is the well. The map item can be used to show the already explored areas of the game.


The map of the game is divided into screens. It is 16 screens wide and 16 screens tall.

Passages on the edges of the map wrap around, similar to video game Pac-Man and some versions of Snake.


The whole map can be roughly divided into four quadrants, which correspond to the four flames. Each area of the game is color coded on the map in hues of blue, green, and purple:

Area Color and hexcode Notes
Dog area


First half, the disc area. Includes the kangaroo statue.


Second half: requires the slink to progress. Three screens wrap over the top side to the bottom of the map. The B. ball room requires the K medal to access.
Central area


egg room, beacon room, the well shaft
Chameleon area


First half, the slink area. Three screens wrap over the right to the left side of the map.
Second half: requires both the slink and the yoyo to access.
Seahorse area


top half: the bubble fish and B. wand area


bottom half: ice, penguin, beluga, and seahorse area. Both the B. wand and the disc are required to access it.
Starting area


Includes the snake statue and the snake area, which requires the S medal
Ostrich area


top half: the yoyo area


bottom half, requires a bubble jump with the B. wand to access.
Shortcut room and the eel area


Shortcut room requires the animal flute to access it. The eel area requires the top and the E medal.
Manticore area


Requires for flames placed in beacons to access it.
Skull room and fireworks room


Same color as the starting area


Requires the lantern to access it.

Leaving the well

The second ending of the game is leaving the well using the torus.

External map tools