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Ending #1

Condition: Enter the sealed area and defeat the Manticore by detonating the fireworks. The credits then start playing.

Ending #2

Condition: Hatch the 65th Egg by putting it into the Incubator and use the new Manticore to open a path to a Flute Spot one room to the left from the Incubator. The Manticore then becomes friendly and lets you take control. Both of you can then leave the well and escape into the starry sky. The credits then start playing. If you did not see the Ending #1, the first Manticore can be used to see the Ending #2 without hatching a new one.

Ending #3

Condition: Find all 16 Secret Bunnies. Obtain the Office Key. Use the hints on the office chalkboard to solve the BDTP puzzle, then find your way through the sky to the big bunny island. Credits do not play.

Ending #4

Condition: Solve a big puzzle that involves doing specific things and annoying animals in the well to find cryptic, seemingly corrupted messages. Solving the puzzle gives you another set of directions which you must now follow from the left side of the big bunny island to get to the time capsule island. Credits do not play.