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The Manticore is a being that was seemingly sealed away. In real world lore, a manticore is a legendary creature that has the head of a human, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion or a tail of venomous spines similar to porcupine quills. In the game it is depicted as some sort of spectral entity with the head of what appears to be a lion of sorts.

First encounter

During the course of the game, the player finds flames and uses them to light the four animal lamps, which disables the seal and allows access to the Manticore. As the player slowly unlocks the seal, more 'blue ghosts' start to appear in areas that were previously clear of them, restricting player movement or making travel more hazardous.

Initially, the player is a little helpless when facing this creature as they have no way to damage it. It will periodically fire lasers that can destroy blocks that the player themselves cannot break.

Eventually after dodging and navigating through the sealed chamber, a method to dispatch it appears and the player uses it to vanquish it.

Second encounter

It's possible to hatch a new Manticore by using the 65th Egg in the Incubator after the current one is defeated.