Seahorse area

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The seahorse area is the bottom left quadrant of the map in Animal Well. It contains the B. flame, which requires beating the seahorse boss puzzles to obtain.


The first half (color coded dark blue on the map) of the seahorse area ends with the B. wand chest. Proceeding further into the second half (color coded purple) requires using the disc or the remote to toggle a switch, which controls toggle blocks, which block access.


The bobcat room connects the seahorse area to the ostrich area. The B. flame room is connected directly to the room with the eel statue, where the eel area starts.


The pipe after the B. flame connects the seahorse area to the left side of the beacon room in the central area. The last fish head pipe in the puzzle for the Magic Egg connects to the room with the Friendship Egg, which is technically part of the chameleon area.