Ostrich area

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The ostrich area is the bottom right quadrant of the map in Animal Well. The area contains the G. flame, accessing which requires beating the ostrich boss.

First half

Start of the area is on the right side of the central area, just past the pixel display. It includes the first ostrich encounter and the burrow of the groundhog. The yoyo is acquired in a dead-end room at the bottom of the first half of the ostrich area.

Second half

The second half of the ostrich area starts just to the right of the frog head shortcut. In regular gameplay a bubble jump is required to go up a small ledge, which is too high for a regular jump. The first kangaroo encounter happens in this room.


Start of the area is directly connected to the central area. The frog head shortcut leads to the warp room. The ostrich area is connected to the seahorse area via the bobcat room. The G. flame room can be exited through a fish head pipe, which leads to the top right corner of the ostrich area, several screens to the right of the pixel display.


The ostrich area can be entered from the bottom half of the dog area via a fish head pipe, which is in the same room as a dynamite charge which opens a shortcut for faster access from the central area. The pipe leads to the room with the Jade Egg puzzle.


The Jade Egg room contains a fish head pipe, which leads to a room on the edge of the dog area and the central area. This room contains the Sweet Egg.