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The Slink is a tool. When used, a slink appears at the position of the player. It will initially travel in the same direction the player is looking. The main purpose of the slink is to activate and potentially hold down buttons that the player may or may not have direct access to.


  • The slink will travel in the direction the player was looking when it was placed.
  • The slink will continue to travel if it drops at least one box in height and there is no obstruction or dead-end in its next step.
  • When the slink meets a wall, it will attempt to move in the opposite direction.
  • The slink will stay at its position until picked up by the player, falls into water, leaves the room, or is otherwise destroyed.
  • Otters will chase and destroy the slink.


  • Deploying the slink at the height of your jump can add a delay before the slink activates a mechanism.


Slink Location.png

Can be found in the Chameleon area, right after a puzzle that involves pressing buttons while the Chameleon is attempting to eat or kill you.