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A picture of a typical yellow button.
Buttons can be found in many orientations.
A green button.
This button must be held down and all pressed at the same time.

Buttons will be pressed if something pushes them. Although they are typically yellow, they also come in green or yellow with a bit of purple. These differently coloured buttons have different properties.

Once pushed they should be permanently stay that way, though it is known that they reset after a death in some areas. The yellow and purple button need to be all pressed at the same time to remain so.


  • Yellow: It does happen that some specific buttons reset after a death. Yellow buttons typically open Gates. The gate will show how many buttons need to be pressed for it to open.
  • Green: Typically activates some other mechanism than a gate, like Fans or Trapdoors.
  • Yellow with purple: These all need to be held at the same time to remain held down. They also tend to open Gates.
  • Pink: Permanently opens a secret gate. Usually in bunnies' den.


Buttons can be pushed by: