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A mouse head that moves horizontally.
A mouse head that moves vertically.
A ghost mouse throwing its head.

Mice come in two flavours: a floating bumping ghost head and a full-bodied ghost. Contact with either will deal damage to the Player. Light will allow the player to pass through them safely.

The full-bodied ghost will appear ahead of the player, run toward them a short distance and can also throw its head like a boomerang that can phase through walls. After appearing they'll vanish after a few seconds but will keep showing up and harass the player traveling wide distances horizontally.

The floating head will slowly travel vertically or horizontally. Bumping against other heads, a wall, floor or ceiling or other objects will cause it to reverse direction.

Interactions (Mouse Head)

  • When exposed to light, the player can safely pass through them.
  • Can trigger Switches and Buttons it passes through.
  • Firecrackers causes them to change movement axis. If the head was going vertical, it will go horizontal and vice-versa.