Animal flute

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The Animal Flute is a tool that can be used to emit musical sound. It is used extensively in the post-game puzzles and for traveling around the map easier.


For songs, consult the Flute Songs page.

To use the animal flute correctly, equip it and press the item button once to be ready to play. Hold the direction of the note you want to play and tap the item button to play the note. Repeat for each note in succession.

Holding the item button while pressing the directional controls will cause the flute to play diagonal and cardinal sounds at the same time, which is not desired when you need to input notes in the correct sequence.

Holding down the item switch buttons (shoulder buttons on a gamepad) will change the sound of the flute; R transposes the notes up a semitone (half-step), allowing all 12 notes of a chromatic scale to be played, while L drops the note by an octave (distance from note 1 to note 8). Both of these can be held simultaneously, however the use of these modifiers doesn't nullify the effect of many songs, as long as the correct directions are played in the correct order.


  • Can be used to unlock animal cages with the correct note sequence.
  • It is possible to travel to specific areas with the correct note sequence.
  • Sleeping animals are awakened by the sound of the flute.
  • Playing the flute near 'background element' will open shortcuts to make traveling around the map easier.


The location of the animal flute.

Can be obtained after finding eight eggs. Just head left of the egg room and go past the lowest egg Gate. You'll find it in a chest where three Chinchillas are sleeping.