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Matches are used to light candles in dark areas. Once a candle is lit, the hostile blue ghosts will stop spawning in that room. Lit candles also make it easier to see without using Firecrackers or the Lantern. In total, 9 matches can be found and there are 9 candles that need to be lit.

Once all matches are found and used, a gate opens somewhere. This is required to find the UV Lantern.


  1. In the room with the first Winch, hidden in the upper left corner after the gate.
  2. In the room to the left of the fish statues room, simply solve the Switch puzzle or abuse Tools.
  3. In the room right before accessing the dog shrine, flip the switch on the right to expose a chest behind a fake wall on the left.
  4. In the Toggle Block maze. Throw the Disc between the two Switches to automate the toggling of the blocks so you can access the visible chest on the left.
  5. Near match #4, a few rooms to the right and one down. Where the Fish Head Pipe and Detonator are located in the dog area.
  6. Near the Planet Egg chest, in the mouse area in a dark room. Can't miss it.
  7. Use the lowest left entrance to the dog elevator and move to the ladder to the right and climb it down.
  8. In the lizard area, behind a gate in plain sight. You can jump over the wall and take damage from the ghost, or you can solve the series of puzzles on the right.