
From Animal Well Wiki
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The Yoyo is a tool that allows the player to distract and lead some animals. It also allows the player to hit buttons and switches.


  • Can trigger buttons and switches.
  • Rolls after being thrown. The rolling direction depends on the direction the player was facing.
  • The Yoyo can climb walls and ceilings to an extent, depending on the distance and angle it was thrown.
  • Chinchillas are drawn to the Yoyo if it is in their line of sight and prefer it over the player.
  • Otters can be distracted by it.
  • Can break stalagmites and stalactites.
  • Can break glass/ice spikes but not metal spikes.
  • Can break flame containers.


Yoyo Location.png

Can be found deeper into the mouse area, after falling down a deep chasm and going two screens to the right.