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Figurines are mostly just trophies for players achieving specific things like finding particular secrets, beating the game under certain times and so on. Figurines you have collected are then displayed in the House.


Speedrun figurines

  • Owl Fig.: get to the first clock in 300 minutes
  • Incense Burner: get to the first clock in 90 minutes
  • Cat Fig.: get to the first clock in 30 minutes
  • Fish Fig.: get to the second clock in 420 minutes
  • Decorative Rabbit: get to the second clock in 240 minutes
  • Donk. Fig.: get to the second clock in 90 minutes

Other figurines

  • mama cha: in a hidden chest next to the barcode bunny in the dog bowl room
  • Origami Fig.: play the origami bunny song in the office
  • Duck Fig.: play R L UL D DL R DL L on the Animal flute
  • Rabbits Fig.: in a chest in the middle of the secret giant bunny statue room (warp there by playing DR DL D L UL L U UL)
  • Souvenir Cup: get to the skull room without dying
  • Peacock Fig.: in a chest in the Tamagotchi at less than 100 steps (approx. 35)
  • Otter Fig.: in a chest in the Tamagotchi at less than 100 steps (approx. 60)