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The Disc is a tool that can be thrown by the player. Only one disc can be active on the screen at once.


  • Dogs will chase the disc. If thrown within their range, they'll grab it and knock it down. Otherwise they'll just chase the disc out of their reach until the player catches it or it leaves the screen. Dogs interacting with the disc can be safely passed through without damaging the player.
  • It can trigger levels if hit from the correct direction.
  • It can trigger buttons that are set sideways on walls.
  • The player can jump atop the disc. Upon doing so the disc will lose about a square's height. Then the player and the disc will travel perfectly straight horizontally until they hit something.
  • Vines will stop a thrown disc.
  • Walls will make the disk bounce off.
  • Fans cause the disc to rise up.
  • The disc is thin and can be thrown into thin gaps of walls.
  • Jumping off a disc will cause it to disappear.
  • If the player is on the same horizontal axis as the disc when they collide, the disc will disappear (the disc is caught by the player).
  • Can break stalagmites, stalactites, ice/glass spikes but not metal spikes.


  • The player can jump on a thrown disc to catch a ride. The disc will lose a little height (about one square's worth) and will carry the player horizontally until the player jumps off.
  • While falling off a sledge, the player can instantly land on the thrown disk in the same motion with correct timing.


The dog shrine.

Can be obtained from the Dog Shrine, however the Ghost Dog will chase you for it until you substitute it with the Mock Disc.