B. Wand

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The B. Wand (Bubble Wand) is a tool that produces a Bubble. It is limited to one bubble at a time.


  • The player can jump on the bubble. While on the bubble, the player and the bubble will slowly lose height. If the player jumps from the bubble, the bubble bursts.
  • Fans and geysers will push bubbles upward, even with the player standing on it.
  • Fish heads will pull back bubbles on the same horizontal axis and hold it in their mouth for a time. If the player touches the bubble in the fish head's mouth, they'll be dragged into the connected pipe network and emerge on the other end.
  • Bubbles are broken by water, floors, walls, ceilings, spikes, vines and the player jumping off them.
  • Bubbles can be pushed by the player without breaking.
  • Hummingbirds will attempt to break any bubbles in the room they reside, provided they have a path to them.


  • The player can jump and create a bubble at the same time. This allows the player to reach higher places and also clear large gaps, possibly spanning multiple rooms.
  • The player can also jump and slightly tap down at the same time to lay a bubble underneath them. This allows the player to jump in place to reach higher areas.


B. Wand location.
Location on map

The B. Wand can be found past the Seahorse that generates Bubbles in the West part of the Map. Bait the Seahorse into producing Bubbles to use as a platform to hit the three buttons to unlock the gate, then make it produce Bubbles to reach the gate and enter the room with the B. Wand.